Tuesday 2 April 2024

Token Effort

With a scenario for the Salute demo game of The Silver Bayonet: Egypt planned, we were missing just a few things - namely, objective tokens and clue markers! With a couple of weeks to go, I knuckled down and produced a few using random bits and pieces from my collection.

The skeletal pieces came from the Oathmark skeleton kit, with a bit of clipping here and there to remove bows and arrows from hands, and the tools from the Oathmark Dwarf Light Infantry. I've had the chests knocking around for a while - I think they're from the Massive Darkness board game. The relic is from a Plague Monks sprue - this is the second time I've used it as a marker (the first being my original Frostgrave treasure tokens - seen here).

As the game is set in Egypt, I thought it'd be fun to model a few things once claimed by the desert sands and wanted to give the impression that some of these are half-buried. One of the chests was clipped at an angle to appear somewhat sunken and a couple of spare sections of sprue were added to provide the framework for various drifts and pits.

The sprue frameworks were, in hindsight, a great addition - Polyfilla (my basing material of choice) is great, but giving it something to hang on made life a lot easier than just trying to sculpt with it!

Painting was fairly quick, and mostly completed over the long Easter weekend. In an effort to make the pieces pop a little more, I went back after the usual all-over brown wash and touched up the sandy areas with a bit more khaki and the bones with a flick of white.

I wouldn't say they're my best work, but I hope they're fun and easy enough to spot on the tabletop! One thing I have absolutely learned - I need a painting handle or something. Trying to keep hold of these was more faff than I really wanted!

Disclaimer: All links to third-party sites are solely for the purposes of sourcing the products I have discussed, if anyone is so inclined. I have simply linked to the original manufacturer or the source I used (but feel free to shop around!) and make no money from people clicking through.