Thursday 2 July 2020

Good Boys

Having built and painted the kennelmaster, it was a somewhat tough wait for his hounds to arrive! Fortunately, Otherworld Miniatures delivered two packs of their war dogs really quickly (many thanks, Otherworld!), so he wasn't long without his best friends.
These were the first metal miniatures I'd worked with in quite some time, but there was barely a mould line to be scraped away - really lovely, clean sculpts. The paintjob was basic, but is nice enough in person, though I cannot, for the life of me, take a decent photo of them!
And that's it - the last unit I currently have planned for The Nameless Army. There will be more, I have no doubt, but it's time to move onto something different for a bit. Of course, I am waiting on a couple of upcoming kits (no spoilers) that are earmarked to provide characters for the force, so there's a good chance they spin out into full units, and I have just caught myself thinking "maybe they need an artillery piece...". And I do quite fancy adding some more light infantry, perhaps in the form of scouts and militia. Yeah... this isn't over, is it?

Disclaimer: All links to third-party sites are solely for the purposes of sourcing the products I have discussed, if anyone is so inclined. I have simply linked to the original manufacturer or the source I used (but feel free to shop around!) and make no money from people clicking through.