Thursday 25 June 2020


This chap, thrown together using parts from the Fireforge Folk Rabble kit and the head from an Oathmark Human, marks the first of the final five models currently planned for The Nameless Army.
He's a kennelmaster, and will be joined in due course by a pack of hounds. Right now, he is armed with little more than a staff and a ferocious moustache. His mutts are under way, and should be finished soon, but I got this guy started while waiting for them to arrive.

The staff is just a metal spear cut to size. While he's painted to match the light infantry, I wanted a slightly less 'rank-and-file' feel, hence opting for a less military choice of equipment and a slightly more flamboyant head.
All told, I'm really pleased with how well he came out, considering the simplicity of the model!

Disclaimer: All links to third-party sites are solely for the purposes of sourcing the products I have discussed, if anyone is so inclined. I have simply linked to the original manufacturer or the source I used (but feel free to shop around!) and make no money from people clicking through.

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