Sunday, 23 June 2019

From The Vault: Rebels

I think this little gang spun out of watching Riddick... The base concept was a prison-break from a weird, corporate-owned facility that had been testing on the inmates.
The grunts are Void Viridians (now produced by Scotia Grendel). I typically find the Void stuff a bit too cartoony for my liking, but these... work. Fun and simple to paint, the only bugbear was clipping off the slotta tabs.

The mutants are my standard go-to of plastic pre-paints. The smaller one is, I think, Killer Croc fand the larger one is Abomination (the Tim Roth version from one of the Hulk movies) from one of the many HeroClix sets. The big guy suffered somewhat from spray varnish misting, so is a little... speckled.

Disclaimer: All links to third-party sites are solely for the purposes of sourcing the products I have discussed, if anyone is so inclined. I have simply linked to the original manufacturer or the source I used (but feel free to shop around!) and make no money from people clicking through.


  1. Some people get uppity about Heroclix, but a lot of them paint up pretty well and you can't beat the price. These look great!

    1. Cheers! Some of the earlier Clix were pretty horrible to work with, but the less rubbery the plastic got, the more they improved. For big, cheap monsters, they're tops. Bones came close, but I dislike the material - perhaps Bones Black will finally end my fling with pre-paints...

  2. I'm preparing a sci-fi rpg game for August...
    I'll try to include that gang as an ennemy, they look good !

  3. I'll be running "daring tales of the space lanes" for Savage Worlds.
    I might settle the thing in the Star*Drive universe, though...
