Sunday, 21 July 2019

From The Vault: Alien Bounty Hunters

A couple of alien mercenaries/bounty hunters, etc. Pretty sure I just painted these on a whim!
The aliens are from AE-Bounty and the robot is a Copplestone fig. Much as I hate painting white, the Stormtrooper-esque armour does look good, and I aimed for that Star Wars vibe with these figs.

My absolute favourite, though, is the pilot-type in front. I'd clearly been watching Firefly because this guy seems straight out of the Wash playbook – the shorts, the shirt, the paunch – he really looked like a down-on-his-luck smuggler. I leaned into this some more, giving him a Hawaiian shirt.
Minimal effort, really, but it brought the figure to life for me. I'm a ways off doing tartan or embroidered robes, but I should really try more stuff like this – I've fallen in the habit of painting for speed, using plain colours. A spot of flamboyance now and then never hurt anyone...

Disclaimer: All links to third-party sites are solely for the purposes of sourcing the products I have discussed, if anyone is so inclined. I have simply linked to the original manufacturer or the source I used (but feel free to shop around!) and make no money from people clicking through.


  1. That’s funny, I also painted that figure with a Hawaiian shirt, and in almost the same colours! Something about that sculpt just called for it.
