Sunday, 14 July 2019

From The Vault: The Reikland Reivers

Ah, Mordheim. One of those games that always seems to offer a good time. Going back nearly ten years, we had an urge to play some Mordheim, and put together a selection of gangs. Joe had Dwarf Treasure Hunters, there was a Skaven mob (I think), and I had my Reiklanders.
All the figures are Vendel border reivers (hence the punny name). I remember nothing about the gang, and everything about their initial skirmish! We were playing a three-way game, and I managed to get my archers and crossbowmen into an elevated position on the balcony of an inn (Reiklanders were the 'shooty' warband, so that was sound tactics). My melee troops rushed out, grabbed a couple of treasure tokens, and drew back to safety with them. All the while, my ranged troops are pummeling the opposition with arrows and bolts (even the occasional pistol ball from my captain). This wouldn't have been so bad, except Joe's Dwarfs were SLOW and were focusing on the other warband, which was similarly focused, so he came under heavy fire for most of the game, while I sat back with most of the treasure and barely a scratch!
I'm particularly proud of this champion – the sleeves were worth the effort. My one niggle? The figures are open-handed, to be armed with a variety of weapons. This guy cried out for a halberd, but his scabbard is empty, meaning that he really should have been given just a sword. Oh well.

Disclaimer: All links to third-party sites are solely for the purposes of sourcing the products I have discussed, if anyone is so inclined. I have simply linked to the original manufacturer or the source I used (but feel free to shop around!) and make no money from people clicking through.


  1. And now people will understand why there are no racial modifiers in Frostgrave!

    1. It was the story that needed telling...
